A voice for wildlife, and a means for large scale conservation action.

At Balu Blue Foundation, we are passionate about all wildlife.

Australia is suffering some of the worst conditions it has in decades, mass land clearing, out of control bushfires these last few years, severe drought and on top of that, 10 million animals a year getting hit, killed or suffering on our roadsides. Our wild places and wildlife is in dire need of help, and protection. We will be a part of a kinder future for Australian animals. Join our community for the wild.

Wildlife First Response

At Balu Blue Foundation we have developed an App, the first of its kind, called Wildlife First Response© which is soon to be available Australia-wide.

Wildlife First Response offers free access to simple, clear, species-specific rescue guides, to help anyone rescue an animal from the roadside, or any situation where an animal may be in need. 

Wildlife First Response uses your location data, and a live map to allow users to find carers, vets, and similar help close to them, which means getting the animal the experienced help it needs, ASAP. 

Our live form within the app means gathering data such as species, location, and state of the animal, which helps us, over time locate wildlife crossings hotspots, and areas which are in need of solutions to eliminate collisions with cars, such as eco-bridges and habitat protection. 

Please search and download it for free, on the app store for Apple and Android devices.

Coming Soon

Wildife Care Assistance and Support

Over the past few years we have been able to help multiple wildlife carers, sanctuaries, and rescue refuges with crucial funding support for the care of injured wildlife.

This escalated greatly during the times of the devastating 2019 / 2020 summer bushfire crisis in Australia. We were able to distribute funding to those desperately in need of help due to unfathomable amounts of animals coming into care with burns, and other injuries. With your help, we can continue to make a difference for the animals in need, and those who care for them off their own backs.

If you would like to support our work, please DONATE or contact info@balubluefoundation.org.

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